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Macmillan Cancer Support

Who are Macmillan Cancer Support?

Macmillan Cancer Support does “whatever it takes” to support people living with cancer.

Turkington and Macmillan cancer support

1 in 2 of us will be diagnosed with cancer. In Northern Ireland, 30 people every day hear the devasting and life-changing words ‘You have cancer.’  There are currently 84,000 people here in Northern Ireland living with cancer. Cancer does not just affect those diagnosed. It also has an impact on everyone around them – their family, friends, neighbours, and colleagues.

If you’re diagnosed, Macmillan is in your corner from day one and they will move mountains for you. Because your worries are Macmillan’s worries. They will hold your hand through treatment. Help you pay the fares to the hospital and fight for fair treatment for you. If you can’t work, they will help you with the bills; if you can’t sleep, they will find someone you can talk to; if you need a voice, they will speak out for you.

With 98% of Macmillan’s income coming from voluntary donations, without our support, they simply could not be there for people who are going through the toughest time in their lives.

Turkington’s partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support

As Macmillan Cancer Support is close to the Turkington family’s heart, it is only a pleasure to have them as our chosen charity each year.  We have been fundraising for Macmillan Cancer Support for many years, but officially partnered with them since 2019 & since then we have raised over £42,488.73.  This is an incredible amount of money going straight to those affected by cancer in Northern Ireland.

In 2021 alone we raised £20,000, with over £16,000 raised at our annual motor show back in September.  To put this into perspective, between £15,000 & £20,000 will pay for a fully kitted Macmillan Cancer Support Information Service Space including build costs, IT equipment, furniture & décor.

What type of fundraising do we do?

turkinton sponsored car outside

Over the years we have taken part in various fund-raising activities including coffee mornings, weight loss challenges, motor shows, sponsored walks, raffles, sweepstakes, quiz nights & some staff even donated their last hour of pay.

As part of our commitment, we the window team, donate £1 for every contract sold – so if you have bought windows or doors from us, you have helped raise these much-needed funds.

Read all about our 2021 donation to Macmillan over on our blog.

Macmillan Donations

As you know since our partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support in 2019, we have raised an incredible £42,488.73 & counting. But the question is, ‘where are our donations going to?’
Macmillan Cancer Support monitor the postcode from which the donation comes from & when counted & verified the money is then allocated to that same postcode area, for instance, our contribution has been allocated to the Southern Trust area.

What is the money going towards?

Macmillan announced that this year our funds will support people in the local area who are at end of life & are eligible for Macmillan Grants.

What are Macmillan Grants?

Macmillan Grants for people living in the Southern Trust area – The average grant is £350 and covers things such as heating oil, transport costs to and from hospital appointments, and specific pieces of equipment to support the patient such as beds, chairs, small kitchen appliances, etc.
Currently, Macmillan are facing an unprecedented amount of applications, and has increased the amount people can apply for it under certain circumstances. People at the end of life can apply for up to £500 now and for people who are in receipt of benefits, they can apply for an additional £115 to support energy costs.
Based on our fundraising for last year you will have supported 57 local people. This is very much a service that is a great need at the moment. So every time £350/£500 is raised, we are really benefiting a real person.

Thank you everyone for your support so far.

What are Turkingtons doing in 2022?

We want to raise the bar in 2022, with the aim of beating our annual fundraising total.  We have a lot of exciting events coming up throughout the year, some of which you can get involved with.  Some of the events include:

  • Donating £1 from every contract sold – ALL YEAR
  • £ for lb weight loss challenge – January to March 2022
  • Six Nations Sweepstakes – February/March 2022
  • Attempting the Mighty half marathon hike – June 2022
  • Hosting our Big MacMillan Motor Show – date TBC
  • The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning – Friday 30th September 2022
  • And others…

Big Macmillan Motor Show 22.09.22land rover defender for macmillan cancer support

Oh, what a night!! What can we say about the Big Macmillan Motor Show?? We are totally overwhelmed by the generosity & support we received on Thursday 22nd September. So far we have collected over £21,000 but we are still counting. Thank you to each & every one of you for making this a huge success!! Take a look at the gallery above for some images of the event… view more on each photographer’s Facebook page!

We had the privilege of presenting Joanne from Macmillan Cancer Support with our 2022 charity donations – £27,000.00

As you know, Macmillan Cancer Support has been the centre of our fundraising events since 2019. To date we have raised a staggering £69,488.73 through simple coffee mornings, £ for lb challenges, sweepstakes, our BIG Macmillan Motor Show, raffles and various other events

We would like to thank you all for donating so generously.

We have chosen Macmillan Cancer Support as our 2023 charity of the year, and we’re kicking it off with 14 brave £ for lb victims.

Watch this space for more upcoming events!

The BIG Macmillan Motor Show 2023

What a night… we are totally (and I mean totally) overwhelmed with all of the generosity everyone has shown towards the event!

From cars, to lorries, to dumpers & even tractors, we sure did make a night of it & most importantly made a huge amount of money, and the total is still growing.

This is a HUGE thank you from Turkington’s to everyone who exhibited and helped in any way.

Click the link below to access a video created by one of the exhibitors, and see some highlights from the special day- THE BIG MACMILLAN CAR SHOW 2023

And remember, the door is not closed if you still want to donate….

How to make a donation

Find out more about Macmillan Cancer Support

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